I work in the field of stellar astronomy. My research is largely observational in nature and based on X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, and infrared observations from space-based and ground-based observatories. I am interested in understanding how the magnetic activities on low-mass stars change with time as well as with the evolutionary stages. I am interested in studying the spot-topographic evolutions on the stellar surface, the surface differential rotations, the post-flare coronal loop oscillations, the flaring activities on the stars, and the exoplanetary systems if exist. These investigations on the stellar environments provide very useful constrains to the stellar magnetic dynamo theory. This also helps to understand the planetary habitability conditions in stellar environments. Apart from this, my interests also extend to studying the stellar wind properties of single and binary massive stellar systems, X-ray binaries, and X-ray transients as well as evolved stellar systems.
Research Focus
Magnetic Activities in Late-type stars -
Surface inhomogeneities
Surface Differential Rotations
Habitability on planet-hosting stars
Magnetic Activities in Early-type stars
Wind Properties
Optical / IR Astronomy
X-ray Astronomy
Temporal Analysis
Spectral Analysis
Time-Resolved and Phase-resolved Spectroscopy
Research Interest

Current Position: NASA GSFC, MD, USA (2024- Now)
I am a NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) Fellow working at the Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory (code 667) of the Astrophysics Science Division at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland, USA. I am currently investigating the relationship between Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections of low-mass stars using multiple X-ray observatories and studying the exoplanetary habitability conditions.
Previous Position: MIRA, CA, USA (2021 - 2024)

I was affiliated with the Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy (MIRA) between 2021 and 2024. This is a non-profit astronomical observatory founded in 1972 and dedicated to research and education in astronomy. It is the first independent professional observatory founded in the 20th century.
The Institute operates the Oliver Observing Station atop 5000-foot Chews Ridge. The station houses a 36-inch reflecting telescope used for astronomical research. Because of the excellent atmospheric conditions in the Santa Lucia Mountains, the first to intercept the smooth airflow from the Pacific Ocean, and the dark skies of the Los Padres National Forest, the observing conditions are among the best measured in the world. MIRA selected the Chews Ridge site because of its excellent conditions for optical astronomy. The median seeing at the site is 0.9 arc seconds over the entire year.
The figure on the right-hand side shows the front page of the MIRA Newsletter (Summer 2021 issue), featuring two astronomers (Daniel and me) in front of our telescope at Oliver Observing Station.
For more information about MIRA, please follow the link below.
Recent Research Highlights
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